

Formerly known as Ho Tai Realty Agency, the company was initiated in 1990 and was later registered as “Ho Tai Development Limited” in August 1996, with its first service location established on Tianmu North Road. Ho Tai’s founder Ms. Chiu Sui-Chen started out in the business as realty agent. When she grew conscious of the absence of professional realty rental advisory services that her acquaintances in foreign companies had often needed, Ms. Chiu made a special effort to create a realty rental department and today, she has served close to 1,000 clients from foreign businesses/agencies in Taiwan. Her exceptional services and expertise has won the recognition and trust of foreign businesses and landlords in Tianmu district. Thus, Ms. Chiu expanded the department’s operation into “Ho Tai Realty Rental Services for Foreign Business” at Tianmu Square (on Tianyu Street) in May 2012. The expansion enlarged Ho Tai’s service areas to cover Zhongzheng, Beitou, Nangang, Neihu, Gongguan, Xindian and Danshui districts in addition to the original districts of Tianmu, Dazhi, Xinyi, Daan, Shilin, Zhishan and Zhongshan with real estate property listings covering the entire greater Taipei region. Landlords in these areas are more than welcomed to take advantage of our services to expose their properties in the rental market. If you are working at a foreign business and have property rental needs, feel free to drop by or call us so that we can serve you to the best of our abilities.


AD 1990년에 태화개발유한회사의 전신 태화건물중개업자를 창업했고 AD 1996 8월에 「태화개발유한회사」를 등록했스니다.그리고 티엔무북로에서 첫 매장를 설정했습니다. 발기인 구수진邱隨珍 부인이 맨 처음부터 부동산매매만에 종사하기 시작했습니다.외국 상사의 치구들이 자주 아파트 임대를 필요하지만 아파트 임대 전문 컨설팅 서비스의 부족함에 느끼는 바가 있었고 특히 임대 부서를 설립했습니다.이미 천명이상 고객을 역임했고 티엔무 영역 및 외국 친구와 집주인의 인식과 신뢰를 잘 받고 있습니다. AD 2012 5 월에 티엔무광장에서 태화부동산외국인임대센터를 확장하게 설립했습니다. 서비스의 범위가 티엔무,다지, 싱의, 따안, 스린, 지산, 중산 지역뿐만 아니라고 중정, 베이터 우, 남항, 네후, 공관, 신템, 담수구, 타이페이지역으로 사업을 확장했습니다. 집주인은 위 지역의 임대 위탁을 열정적으로 환영하겠습니다. 외국 상사의 관리자가 아파트 임대를 필요하다면 저희에게 꼭 연락하십시오. 저회가 가장 완벽한 서비스를 제공해드리겠습니다.





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